Thursday, September 8, 2011

Assembling an Archeological Team

As a wrap-up to this activity, compose a comment to this post in consideration of the following questions:
  • What was it like to assemble a team of specialists to investigate an archeological site?
  •  What kinds of challenges did you encounter as you assembled your teams?
  • Why would it be difficult for one person to investigate an archeological site?
  • Why is investigating one of these sites so expensive?
  • How has archeological analysis changed in the past one hundred?
Compose your comment as a well-written paragraph.  You will be graded on the quality of your response, and the quality of your writing.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Interpreting the Past - Activity Wrap-up

I hope that over the past two days we have gained appreciation for the challenge that historians face as they attempt to interpret the past. In many case, they little more than objects and symbols to go on. It is important for them to have finely-tuned analytical skills, the same skills you'll need to be successful in whatever profession you choose.

So, how did you do? What difficulties did you encounter when trying to interpret the collage created by your classmates? How successful were you in your interpretation? What skills and/or resources do you think historians have that you were unable to use in this activity?

Finally, why do you think it is important for us to regularly reexamine the past?

Compose your comment as a coherent, well-written paragraph. I'm looking for thoughtful comments.